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What is Homeopathy

This is complete article that give you full understanding of homeopathy and how it works.


What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a gentle painless, holistic system of healing developed in 1790 by Samuel Hahnemann (a German physician) experimenting on himself with the antimalarial drugs quinine.
He noticed that large doses of medicine caused malaria-like symptoms while smaller doses cured the symptoms. from this, he advances his concept of similia similibus furniture or
let like be cured with like.

Then he developed an extensive system of medicine based on this concept.

He names it HOMEOPATHY.
From the Greek words homeo (the same )and pathos(suffering)

What is the source of homeopathic remedies?

The homeo pathetic remedies are made from natural materials.
Minerals substances.

They have been treated in to form of mother tinctures or nonsoluble powder. the liquid extract is then potential .or increased in power. by a series of dilutions in succussion or shaking.
It is the way of transferring the energy of natural substances to the solution.

What are the benefits of homeopathic remedies?

The first benefit of homeopathy is a naturally harmless and safe option as compared to other treatments.

It enhances the immune system and the body naturally heals itself.

Homeopathic physicians seek to cure their patients on physical, mental, emotional spiritual social, and any other aspects of the total person.
Individuals are seen as living systems that are self-healing self-renewing, homeostatic, and adaptive health as not Marley the absence of illness, but the ability of a system for example cells, organisms, family, and society to respond adaptively to avoid the range of environmental challenges.

Diseases are considered a result of an off/ balance state of the whole individual (mind and body)rather than local disturbance.

Homeopathic looks beyond the label of disease to cure their causes rather than Marley their symptoms and it stimulates the body’s natural healing power to bring health, vitality, and well-being, it doesn’t treat superficially by just driving away the symptoms but heals the patients from within, it uses medicines that cover the disturbance of the whole person rather than giving different medicines for different afflicted parts of the body.
That is called classical homeopathy.

Homeopathy remedies are more diluted and safe.

These are non-toxic and are a good choice for babies and children.

Homeopathic remedies are inexpensive and easily available.

The main beauty of homeopathy that always inspires me is when I listen to a person through symptoms and when I talk to the body in case taking.

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We Highly Believe Autism ADHD Anxiety and Other Mental Conditions are Treatable and Manageable with Safe Alternate Holistic Approach
We Treat The Root Cause With Classical Homeopthic Remdies.
Detox Toxins from Body Which Interrupt in Healing
We heal the gut through classical homeopathy
We work on immune system.
Classical Singal Remedy Plan With Gentle Detox
General Consultation For Acute and Chronic Diseases
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We heal the gut through classical homeopathy
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We Highly Believe Autism ADHD Anxiety and Other Mental Conditions are Treatable and Manageable with Safe Alternate Holistic Approach
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We Treat The Root Cause With Classical Homeopthic Remdies.
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Detox Toxins from Body Which Interrupt in Healing
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We heal the gut through classical homeopathy
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We work on immune system.
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